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107Waldstein, Michael - Wisse, Frederik, The Apocryphon of John: Synopsis of Nag Hammadi Codices II,1; III,1 and IV,1, With BG 8502,2 (1995)Waldstein, Michael - Wisse, Frederik1995
132Milik, Józef T., - Black, Matthew, The Books of Enoch. Aramic fragments of Qumrân Cave 4 (1976)Milik, Józef T., - Black, Matthew1976
103Schmidt, Carl - Macdermot, Violet, The Books of Jeu and the Untitled Text in the Bruce Codex (1978)Schmidt, Carl - Macdermot, Violet1978
131García Martinez, Florentino - Tigchelaar, Eibert J. C.,, The Dead Sea Scrolls. Study Edition. Volume 1 (1Q1-4Q273) (1997 (2000))García Martinez, Florentino - Tigchelaar, Eibert J. C.,1997 (2000)
133Griffith, Francis Ll. – Thompson, Herbert, The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden (1904)Griffith, Francis Ll. – Thompson, Herbert1904
125Rose, Valentin, Theodori Prisciani Euporiston libri III. Cum physicorum fragmento et additamentis Pseudo-Theodoreis (1894)Rose, Valentin1894
121Alexander von Tralles, Therapeutica (original Text und Übersetzung : Theodor Puschmann) (1879)Alexander von Tralles1879
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